Monday, December 3, 2012

Acquafiller® Injectable Bio-Expander

Acquafiller® is a filler that provides instant and definitive corrections, used to treat facial wrinkles, cheek, malar, chin and jaw augmentation, nasal tip elevation, nasal defects correction, nose surgery sequel, any underdevelopment or atrophy of fat facial layer, lip augmentation, hand dorsum correction secondary to age, penile augmentation, inferior limbs contour correction and several others indications, including another areas than
 plastic surgery, as vocal cords defects, urinary incontinence in woman. Unlike collagen, Acquafiller® has no waiting period for allergy testing. It is an acrylics derivative, not a protein like collagen, so there is not any risk of reaction.

Studies also prove that Acquafiller® cosmetic benefits are permanent avoiding endless visits to refill the area expanded.

The proportion micro spheres x colloid is 30%.

It is stable in normal temperatures and does not need to be kept refrigerated. It is biocompatible, non-absorbable and provides permanent correction of any depression in any part of organism introduced.

To implant Acquafiller® is easy, safe, painless and can be done as ambulatory procedure.

Implants are sub-cutaneous and/or intramuscularly in some cases. Implant should be done in continuous cylinders form

Wait 25 to 30 day between implants with Acquafiller®.

We send Acquafiller® to all parts of the world, by DHL or FEDEX, to your address in a few days.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Köp nu ansikts implantat

Köp nu ansikts implantat

Polymetylmetakrylat PMMA;

Besök vår webbplats och butik med säkerhet, bekvämlighet och trovärdighet.

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Купить лицевые имплантанты

Купить лицевые имплантанты

Гиалуроновая кислота гель;
Полиметилметакрилат PMMA;
Поли-L-молочной кислоты;

Посетите наш сайт и магазин с безопасностью, удобством и доверие.

"Здоровье и благополучие превыше всего"

Acquista ora protesi facciali

Acquista ora protesi facciali

Gel di acido ialuronico;
Polimetilmetacrilato PMMA;

Visitate il nostro sito e negozio con la sicurezza, la comodità e la credibilità.

"Salute e benessere prima di tutto"

Koop nu gezicht implantaten

Koop nu gezicht implantaten

Hyaluronzuur gel;
Polymethylmethacrylaat PMMA;
Poly-L-Lactic Acid.

Bezoek onze site en winkel met veiligheid, comfort en geloofwaardigheid.

"Gezondheid en welzijn boven alles"

Acheter maintenant implants faciaux

Acheter maintenant implants faciaux

Gel d'acide hyaluronique;
Polyméthacrylate de méthyle PMMA;

Visitez notre site et une boutique avec la sécurité, la commodité et la crédibilité.

«La santé et le bien-être par-dessus tout"

Køb nu facial implantater

Køb nu facial implantater

Polymethylmethacrylat PMMA;

Besøg vores hjemmeside og butik med sikkerhed, bekvemmelighed og troværdighed.

"Sundhed og trivsel frem for alt andet"